Head for the water for your summer commute to downtown Seattle. The Elliott Bay Water Taxi makes your trip to Seattle quick, convenient and, more importantly, relaxing.

The Elliott Bay Water Taxi began in 1998 as a way to ease congestion on the West Seattle Bridge. Today, the taxi helps more than 100,000 people travel to and from West Seattle for work and play.

water taxi

"Our heaviest rider months are July and August, when we see approximately 1,000 passengers daily," said Mike Beck with the King County Department of Transportation. "About 50 percent are people commuting to work, and 50 percent are people commuting to and from West Seattle for recreation, shopping or dining. We even see tourists riding the boat for an inexpensive tour of the bay on their way to Alki Beach."

The two deck Elliott Bay Water Taxi holds 149 passengers, and provides an area for passengers to park their bikes.

The taxi operates year-round, between Seacrest Dock at the edge of West Seattle's Alki Point and Pier 55 on Seattle's downtown waterfront at the foot of Spring Street. Crossing in just 12 minutes, it leaves every 30 minutes during commute time and every hour during the middle of the day. There’s even an extended schedule on Mariners' game days.

Plus, the ride is cheap — only $3. (Children under the age of 5 and passengers with Metro passes ride free.) And don’t worry about transportation at the end of your ride — bus transfers are available for passengers headed downtown and beyond. Passengers headed to West Seattle enjoy free shuttle service to Alki Beach, the Junction and the Admiral District.

For more information, visit the Elliott Bay Water Taxi site.